The editor of .Maui Pastebin is based on CodeMirror, you can see a preview of the themes here: The values accepted by our APIs to create a paste with a specific theme are: default 3024-day 3024-night abcdef ambiance base16-dark base16-light bespin blackboard cobalt colorforth darcula dracula duotone-dark duotone-light eclipse elegant erlang-dark gruvbox-dark hopscotch icecoder idea isotope lesser-dark liquibyte lucario material mbo mdn-like midnight monokai neat neo night oceanic-next panda-syntax paraiso-dark paraiso-light pastel-on-dark railscasts rubyblue seti shadowfox solarizeddark solarizedlight the-matrix tomorrow-night-bright tomorrow-night-eighties ttcn twilight vibrant-ink xq-dark xq-light yeti zenburn